About Me

Michael Roc Thomas


Michael was born in Paris in 1952, the son of British film stars Patricia Roc and Anthony Steel. He came to England aged five, and after his education at Stowe spent over twenty years as a fashion photographer in Cape Town, London and Madrid. In 2000, he and his wife moved to Sri Lanka.

In 2006 his daughter Steele was prematurely born in Colombo and diagnosed with ROP. His concern for her sight inspired Michael to set off in a new creative direction writing simple poems and songs to help stimulate her other senses. Over the years, this developed into various forms of poetry, verse and song lyrics for ‘children’ of all ages.

Michael writes mostly in verse because children (& adults) find the rhythm helpful and the style easier to memorise. Some are melancholy, others whimsical or humorous, but he hopes to engage, entertain and challenge his readers / listeners. “I have been an avid reader all my life, but until Steele’s arrival never made the time to pursue my interest in writing. So these ‘stories’ are dedicated to Steele and to children everywhere who face unexpected challenges in their lives.”